
Showing posts from February, 2017

Readying for Lent

Next week, we’ll start the Lenten Season. I received an email from Jonathan Reckford, CEO of Habitat for Humanity last week, with a devotion for each week of Lent. In the email, he writes: “We hope you will find it meaningful to reflect on what it means to follow Jesus personally and what it means for the ministry of Habitat for each of us to be faithful followers. As we look toward the cross, and ultimately the Resurrection, let us remember that trusting God enough to follow His call enables us to demonstrate the kingdom of God here on earth.” The theme for the Habitat Lenten Devotions this year is “Follow Me.” But what does it mean to follow Jesus? I am reading a book by Jossy Chacko who spoke at Willow Creek Global Summit Leadership Summit last year. His organization Empart desires to “reach the unreached” to truly live out the words of The Great Commission: Matthew 28: 16-20:   The eleven disciples went into Galilee to the hillside to which Jesus had direc