Here we are, Lord!

This Sunday begins the Season of Advent. In many Christian traditions, Advent marks the start of the new Christian year - with congregations lighting candles each of the four Sundays leading up to Christmas Day, which celebrates the birth of Jesus. The term comes from the Latin ad venio “to come” – anticipating the coming of the Lord. It is a time not just for a new year, but a new commitment to Christ as we prepare spiritually for Christmas, remembering Christ being born into the world. It is a season of waiting, of preparation to welcome God’s light into the world. The season comes as the days grow shorter and darkness abounds, and we light the Advent Candles in preparation for the one who brings light to the darkness The book of Isaiah is full of verses that are used during the Advent season. Christians take these versus to foretell of Jesus as the coming of the Messiah. Many of these verses from Isaiah will be familiar to some of you: Isaiah 9:2 The people w...