O God, our Protector, our Loving Creator, We come to you this morning from many locations, with many different backgrounds, with many different expectations of this season, but with a common humanity, a common mission in this ministry, and our common bond as Your Children. In the Northern Hemisphere, we are now experiencing the darkest days of the year, with the nights continuing to become longer and longer. Yet, we survive the darkness. Tonight, many of your children will light a candle for the eight and final night of Hanukkah. Last Sunday, many Christians around the world lit the third candle in this Advent Season as we still wait to light the fourth candle and the final candle that symbolizes the birth of the Christ Child. We are truly in a time of waiting. Waiting for that “thrill of hope” – that the weary world might rejoice. Waiting for the Christ Child – the babe that will bring your Light into the world. We are awaiting the one who brings good news to th...